Saturday, December 22, 2012

My sneakers @ Penang

Date: 27/11/2012
City : Penang , Malaysia
Remarks: Day 1, @hostel

It was my first day in Penang . I walked  from the bus terminal to my hostel in George Town with my sneakers to check-in. Upon arrival , I took off my sneakers and left them outside the hostel , since no shoes were allowed in hostel . For the sake of convenience , I walked out the hostel with my slippers  (leaving my sneakers outside the hostel). Such a wrong decision !! When I was back to the hostel later the day , I could find only one of my sneakers . The other was gone !!

Only by then  I realised the hostel indeed had 2 dogs !! And there were indeed signs in the hostel warning us not to leave our shoes outside the hostel. It was way too late when I saw the signs!! That was my first day in Penang. Interesting experience, right?

I was in my slippers for the remaining days and had no hope in finding my missing shoe . Afterall, god knows where the dogs kept my shoe. However, it reappeared one day before I left Penang !! Just the right timing!! I guess the staff of the hostel found it for me. I had no idea where they found it, but here it was !! The sneaker was still in good shape (at least much better than I had expected) , just that the heel had worn out , obviously being chewed by the dogs . Well , at least they were still wearable and now my sneakers would not mixed up with the others for sure .

#GeorgeTown, #penang, #penangtravel, #travel, #travelblog

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