Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Walkthrough Jokhang Temple 導覽大昭寺

Date: 21/6/2010
Location: 拉薩, 西藏




一上2/F, 見到一羣喇嘛悠閒的圍着坐, 其中一個在玩電話呢!2樓一直走到最尾有一個很大的轉經輪, 比人還要高 。輪上有金色的經文, 輪的旁邊有一間房, 裏面有個喇嘛在念經, 而且是很有節奏的在打鼓和敲銅鑼 。在2樓的另一邊是法王修行洞, 門框全是好精緻的木雕, 藏民在進去每個側殿的時候都會用哈達抹門框 。橫樑有像有像獅身人面像的雕刻, 腳下有圓形的銅片 。

往3樓的梯間有吉祥拉母, 和青蛙白旦拉面, 樣子也滿卡通的 。3樓的牆壁是黑色的壁畫, 黑底金燙, 很美 。主殿的中央有2排喇嘛坐的位置, 位置前有2排鼓, 位置上鋪了藏毯 。

出了主殿, 2樓是紀念品店, 往下望可見到地下人們排隊的情況 。3樓是天台, 可見到屋簷和金頂 。可以在天台見到布達拉宮的全景啊 (雖然其實我都已經拍得夠多了 )

More than 大昭寺

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Monks Debates @ Sera Monastery, Tibet 辨经@ 拉薩色拉寺

Date: 19/6/2010
Location: Lhasa, Tibet
Remarks: Day 7, Monks Debates @ Sera Monastery

Sera Monastery is one of Great Three monasteries in Lhasa, located in the suburbs, around 2km north, of Lhasa. The Sera Monastery is a huge complex, spreading along the hill scope with some dozens of hermitages.The buildings is very Tibetan in style.

Sera Monastery is a fun place to visit, stood out from the other monasteries in Tibet with its "Monk Debates". It is, from what I have heard, the best location to witness the "Monk Debates" on the teachings of Budda in Tibet. The Monk Debates started at 3pm from Monday to Friday, and it was opened to tourists. At around 3pm, you would find crowds of tourists in the Debate Hall, witnessing the debates among the monks in discussing Buddhism related topics in Tibetan. Though we might not understand the Tibetan language, the Debates are accompanied with vigorous gestures which were said to have symbolic meaning. The dramatic gestures made by the monks enlivened the entire embience. The monks debated in pairs, with a defender and a questioner. The questioner has to present his case and the defender has to answer within a fixed time frame. Each time a question is asked, the questioner would outstretch his left palm, strike the left palm with his right palm. 

The pair of monks sitting right before me were adorable. The sitting monk appeared having problem in answering the questions and had lots of little cute gestures: playing with his fingers, rubbing his head, hands covering his face, stretching out his tongue... Even the old monk, presumably his teacher, who originally sit under the tree could not help coming forward to explain. He was so cute.

P.S. There were super many visitors in the Debate Hall at the time of the Debates. You can find tourists from around the globe, with lots of different kinds of camera. It was like an international camera exhibition!!

The Debate Hall

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

清晨的大昭寺 Jokhang Temple @ 拉薩 Tibet

Date: 21/6/2010
Location: 拉薩, 西藏

Remarks: 清晨8am的大昭寺

拉薩有很多寺廟,在西藏兩個星期,我們平均每一天去一個,去了布達拉宮、大昭寺、小昭寺、色拉寺... 其中大昭寺是我最喜歡的一個。大昭寺沒有布達拉宮的堂煌,也沒有色拉寺的好玩,但我就是喜歡大昭寺的活力,喜歡它的活生生的感覺。

大昭寺該是繼布達拉宮後西藏第二大的寺廟,拉薩最古老的寺廟,已經有1350多年的歷史。是西藏的中心寺 ,歷來佛教活動的中心。從前的西藏人相信,大昭寺是世界的中心,因此所有的人與物,都是圍繞大昭寺而轉動。圍繞大昭寺的八廓街,是西藏最有名的轉經道 。

大昭寺是樓高4層,金頂的木土建築物。 清晨的大昭寺人超級的多。跟著轉經的人潮在八廓街轉了一圈,他們走得一點也不慢。大昭寺廣場有很多人帶同墊子朝佛,五體投地。大昭寺的門口排了長長的人龍,藏民人貼人的排隊進去朝拜。每個人的手裡都拿著熱水壺,壺裡是用以供佛的酥油。廣場還有一堆賣酥油和甜茶的小販。




More on 大昭寺